The Empower curriculum can be used in a variety of different ways according to the context in which you are hosting your club, the age range and maturity of the girls participating, and other activities in which the club engages. It is important to remember the following key points when starting a club in your community:
The Empower curriculum was developed as a trafficking prevention tool by the Global Family and Daughter Project team in Kathmandu, Nepal. Although awareness and education are important factors in combating the spread of human trafficking, the curriculum supplements these efforts by providing a tool for club leaders and volunteers to strengthen the girls and families in their communities. When girls, families and communities are weak, the abuse and exploitation of young girls thrives. As evidence began surfacing that girls from rural Nepal now consent to being sold into commercial sexual exploitation even when knowing the results of their decisions, we realized that an entirely new approach to the prevention of trafficking needed to be taken. This approach directly empowers and supports girls in vulnerable communities.
The curriculum to empower girls was created as part of this solution, but it is only part of the equation. Using the curriculum is most effective when it facilitates the creation of communities of support for the girls who participate in clubs. It’s your job, as a club facilitator, to foster friendship and mentorship amongst the girls and with volunteers. The club should be a place where girls can feel comfortable to share, talk about the obstacles and challenges that they face, and encourage each other to stand up for what is right.
Fostering mentorship between volunteers and girls is an important factor in building a community of support and empowering girls throughout good times and the bad times. Although small group discussions are designed to encourage sharing, volunteers should commit to showing up to club meetings as often as they can. Mentorship encourages girls to share about their lives and ask questions!