Recruiting and matching mentors can be a great way of providing girls in your club with positive role models. Mentors have a unique opportunity to build strong and long-lasting relationships with girls who are at-risk of trafficking and exploitation. Ensure that you train mentors by providing them with the information in the “Modern Slavery” section at the beginning of this handbook, as well as by taking them through some of the activities on identifying child rights and understanding issues in your community.
Compassion at the heart of service
Honesty, integrity, loyalty, and patience
A lack of blame or judgment toward persons of all ages, socioeconomic levels, ethnic groups, and nationalities
A sense of hope and possibility for children who are victims of exploitation and abuse
Ability to communicate effectively
Adequate family and organization support
A sense of responsibility for and partnership in service for children
A firm but loving manner to work with children who may be resistant, angry, and manipulative
A willingness to work with a multi-disciplinary team
An understanding of sexual abuse, its effects, and its recovery process
Boldness and courage to talk about sensitive topics
Understanding of and commitment to confidentiality issues
What are some other characteristics you can think of?
Be realistic about your commitments
Be friendly and open
If one day the youth doesn’t feel like meeting with you, wait around for some time, and write them a note to say hi before leaving
Allow the youth to open up, if they want, about their family and home
You are obligated to report anything the youth tells you about his/her ‘boyfriend’, or any abuse or exploitation they have experienced
Give the youth your cell phone
Take the youth outside of the premises
Encourage or respond positively to the youth talking about their “boyfriend”
Give the youth money or medication
Say CSEC specific trigger words
Ask the youth specific questions about their abuse or exploitation
Disclose your personal address
Make promises that you can’t keep